Monday, January 31, 2011

Kellen - 2 weeks old

We took these photos at a couple weeks old of Kellen and I'm just getting them posted.  He was so alert when we started and as the pictures continued, he just couldn't stay awake!  It's so funny to look at some of these because we were trying hard to keep him awake, but he just couldn't do it!  We used the first photo in our Christmas cards this year and there were lots and lots more, but this is just a sample of some of my favorites and some of the funny ones too!  Kellen is 4 months old now and trying so hard to roll over.  He giggles at everything and loves to watch everything that is going on around him.  He spends most of his time trying to see how many fingers he can possible fit into his mouth at once and get them in there before Taft comes by on patrol to make sure Kellen is still sucking his binky and loving it!  In Taft's opinion, he should be sucking on it all day, every day! The boys are taking great care of Kellen and he doesn't have to work very hard to be entertained. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winters Family Photos

In November we had a very exciting couple of weeks in the Winters' Family!  All of Dalin's siblings were together and all of their families.  We were able to get a family photo with everyone, which hasn't happened in their family since Dalin went on his mission in 2000.  There are 19 grandchildren all under the age of 9 and two more baby girls due this month!  That is so exciting for our family because only 4 of the 19 grandkids are girls!  On the other hand, my boys couldn't be happier with so many little boy cousins to get into mischief with.  It is awesome to be surrounded by good family, full of lots of cousins to grow up with!
 Dalin's parents, Brent and Judy, and their 6 kids - Maren, Kason, Janna, Dalin, Manda, and Karah
While everyone was here, we blessed Kellen at church and the same day our nephew, Kody, was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!  We were proud of him and happy to share the day with family.  The next week, Dalin's oldest brother Kason and his wife Kim were sealed in the Billings Montana Temple to their newest son, Luca.  We exchanged Christmas gifts early and Judy made all of the grandkids new pajamas!  I wish I had pictures of everyone that night, but I'll have to get them and post them later.  I'm so grateful for this great family that I married into!  We have had incredible blessings in 2010.